The Intersection of Technology and Philosophy

If it can be argued legally, are we expected to keep an autocrat?

If it can be argued legally, are we expected to keep an autocrat? As I listen to the House GOP, I hear them complaining that it is unfair that they cannot keep the autocrat who has managed to become the President of the United States. They are upset because their plan to hold up impeachment in the court system was side stepped. They are upset because an ethically questionable choice by the DNC uncovered a vast conspiracy. [Read More]

What Exists

What Exists Look, here is a tree in the garden and every summer is produces apples, and we call it an apple tree because the tree “apples.” That’s what it does. Alright, now here is a solar system inside a galaxy, and one of the peculiarities of this solar system is that at least on the planet earth, the thing peoples! In just the same way that an apple tree apples! [Read More]

Right Wing Authoritarianism

“Fascism in power is a compound, a powerful amalgam of different but marriageable conservative, national-socialist and radical Right ingredients, bonded together by common enemies and common passions for a regenerated, energized, and purified nation at whatever cost to free institutions and the rule of law…Fascism in action looks much more like a network of relationships than a fixed essence.” -- Robert O Paxton — What Is Fascism? I’m currently reading “A Warning” by Anonymous, and I’m amazed at the level of lack of self-awareness. [Read More]

Representative Doug Collins, you’re intellectually dishonest.

I’m listening to you opine on impeachment. You start from a position of ignorance, likely by choice. Let’s look at why it does not surprise me that the Democrats were talking about impeachment from day one, and why they are pushing impeachment now. This is from Donald Trump in 2015 during the Republican Primary. Q: You’ve also supported a host of other liberal policies, you’ve also donated to several Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton included, Nancy Pelosi. [Read More]

Distributed Social Networks

During our seemingly never-ending election cycles, social networks like Facebook and Twitter have been cashing in through the sales of political ads, sometimes containing glaring factual errors. Facebook’s case is made worse through leadership of a man with a history of making morally dubious decisions, and does not seem to understand the ramifications of what he has created, including failing to adequately protect user’s privacy, as illustrated by the actions of Cambridge Analytica in the 2016 election and during Brexit. [Read More]

Twitter: A Corporation With Unilateral Control to an Official Channel to the President

Over the last few years, I’ve endeavored to be more politically active. My primary platform is Twitter, since it was Trump’s own platform. I’m able to directly respond to his messages, and directly interact with his supporters. Over time, I’ve built a fair sized following, which is useful for starting discussions on a topic. I’m able to share my concerns about the issues of the day. “1D3_16312” by Indiana Stan is licensed under CC BY-NC 2. [Read More]

No Quarters for Bullies

Anyone who has attempted to discuss politics online has likely been the subject of a large amount of abuse. I suspect for a lot of people, this is probably an understatement. “BULLY” by PlanetFab Studio is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 When trying to debate with his supporters, I’ve often had to overcome initial hostility based just upon how they are used to being treated by Democrats and Leftists. This can sometimes be overcome by treating them with respect. [Read More]

Our Deadly Struggle

We all know our society is conflicted right now. My understanding of the nature of that conflict has changed dramatically over the last few years, and I’d like to share what I’ve learned. “We the People” by StevenANichols is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Like most, my initial view was simplistic. There was good and evil. Each issue had a right, and a wrong. I brushed aside arguments against my view as ignoring complexity, while being oblivious to my own oversimplification. [Read More]

UBI Enables Alternatives to an Cannibalistic System

UBI Enables Alternatives to an Cannibalistic System All Complex Ecosystems Have Parasites — Cory Doctorow “the money is that way” by theclyde is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 Our economic system is operated under the idea that the world is a market. I believe this indicates that those in charge are focused on money rather than time as being the true source of wealth. As an individual, our time is our true most precious resource. [Read More]

How To Use Twitter Effectively

While I’ve had a Twitter account far longer, I’ve been using Twitter pretty consistently for the last couple of years. I wanted to share what I’ve learned, and my personal philosophy on using it. Understand Your Goals Why are you on Twitter? What do you hope to achieve? Are you looking to build community? Are you looking to build an audience for your own views? Are you looking to learn from others? [Read More]